Dancing Along THE FRINGES To The Sign Of Silence (The Memphis novel)
By Elizabeth Mozley
Elizabeth Mozley (1967- ) was born in Fort Bragg, North Carolina. A native of Southside, Alabama, the author now resides in Oxford, Alabama and currently works for the City of Southside as Administrative Assistant to Mayor Dana Snyder. 

Dancing Along THE FRINGES To The Sign Of Silence (The Memphis novel) is scheduled to publish January 1, 2021. Detailed information on the work will coincide with publication. 

Works in progress include a second young adult novel and a collection of poetry.

Readers can connect with the author on Facebook, We Share The Same Sky -as well as on Twitter @ElizabethMozley @CentipedeYAread and the author's blog, published at WeShareTheSameSky.com

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